Adam Janczewski for PMR: Jutro Medical – the clinic of the future

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Ten post jest także dostępny w języku: polski

Adam Janczewski would like to establish a primary health care clinic in Poland, but with the use of the latest technologies. The founder and president of the start-up Jutro Medical emphasises in an interview with PMR that he wants to create a model clinic and show, thanks to the applied solutions, that its patients are statistically healthier than similar people in the population. Will he be successful?

Anticipate and prevent health problems

As it often happens, the best business ideas are born by chance. Adam Janczewski took the idea for Jutro Medical from his own experience. In April 2018 he went to the ophthalmologist to change his glasses. By chance, the doctor had more time and performed more extensive examinations. – After a few minutes of examination I heard: “Please go to emergency department, you may lose your sight until tomorrow”. This moment made me realise that the current system is not “health care” but “patient care”. We solve health problems when they appear, and yet we have the knowledge and tools to prevent a huge number of these problems – says the founder of Jutro Medical in an interview with PMR.

The diagnosis of the health care system has shown emphatically: in Poland there are excellent specialists who simply do not have time to take care of the patient. On the other hand, there are patients who often do not have access to their doctor, and on the day of their visit they have to take into account the queue in front of the office. – Such a system demotivates patients to visit doctors and undergo preventive examinations. After several months of talks with everyone, from doctors to artificial intelligence researchers, it became clear that we have to focus on two aspects: so that the doctor has more time, and when he or she has more time, he or she will work on prevention – explains Adam Janczewski.

Model clinic with the National Health Fund contract

That’s how the idea of creating a clinic tomorrow Medical was born. It is supposed to be a healthcare centre operating within the framework of a contract with the National Health Fund. Its creator wants it to be a model clinic, which will show how to take care of patients and how to organise basic medical care. The location of the centre is not yet known. Probably it will be chosen by the patients in a vote. At this stage, Adam Janczewski does not disclose the opening date.

What is supposed to distinguish Tomorrow Medical from “traditional” institutions is the wide use of telemedicine solutions. – I believe that there is no need to run to a physical facility every time you have a question to your doctor. You can ask him/her to chat with the mobile application or make an appointment for a video-conversation, during which the doctor will dispel any doubts – explains Janczewski. Also, receiving test results or extending prescriptions will be done from the application level on the phone.

The current level of technological development allows us to double the productivity of the doctor in the office. Thanks to the technology, it is possible to relieve the doctor from repetitive operational tasks, from clicking on the keyboard for half of the visit. So that he or she can focus on the patient’s treatment, and not on formalities – says the founder of Jutro Medical.

Digital tools instead of analog ones

The Jutro Medical facility is to make extensive use of the latest technologies. Adam Janczewski stresses that, in his opinion, analog medical tools should disappear from doctors’ offices, and should be replaced by digital ones. For example, if the doctor had a digital stethoscope at his disposal, the result of the listening would be recorded in the cloud. The doctor could come back to it after the visit to make sure he or she made the right diagnosis.

The same goes for the test results. A single result may not arouse suspicion of the doctor. However, the presentation of the results over time in the graph shows a worrying trend. This is the case, for example, with iron levels. – If the doctor detects a downward trend, then he or she knows to do more in-depth examinations. This can contribute to the early detection of colorectal cancer. It seems to be the same data, but from a stack of cards, nobody is able to determine the trend. It makes a difference, when we are dealing with a form that can be analysed – emphasises the founder of Tomorrow Medical.

Once we have freed the doctor’s time from the operational things, we can give him or her analytical tools to ask himself or herself the fundamental question, “What can I do today to work on the diseases that will affect this patient in 5 or 7 years’ time?” And proactively take the initiative of prevention to the patient. Thanks to this, the doctor cares about keeping the patients healthy, instead of just treating the diseases – ends Adam Janczewski.

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