COVID-19 vaccine will leave Polish factory in autumn?

ampulki strzykawka

Ten post jest także dostępny w języku: polski

The confusion surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine caused by the suspension of its supply to Europe has affected the vaccination schedule in our country. Pfizer informed about production limitation due to modernisation of production lines, which affected Monday’s delivery. At the moment, it is known that the Polish producer of medicines – Polfa Tarchomin – is holding talks with partners and it is possible that it will take part in the last stage of production of the vaccine for COVID-19. It concerns the bottling of the preparation into ampoules.

Vaccination plan for COVID-19 revised

The initial phase of vaccination for COVID-19 is slowing down. The reason? Restrictions in the supply of the preparation for vaccination. On Monday, 360,000 doses of the vaccine for COVID-19 were to have reached Poland. However, limitations in the production of the Pfizer preparation have meant that we have received over half fewer doses than declared, i.e. 176,000 doses of the preparation. According to the latest information, until mid-February, 296,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are to be delivered to Poland every week. In the first quarter, we are expected to receive 5.6 million doses of vaccine for COVID-19. Recall that on Wednesday, vaccination in our country also began with the preparation of Moderna, of which we received 29,000 doses in the first delivery.

In total, by the morning of 21 January, 789,585 doses of the vaccine for COVID-19 were delivered to vaccination points. In total, Poland received 1,257,300 doses of the vaccine for COVID-19, and 591,785 doses were used for the implementation of vaccination, including the second dose received 24,992 people. Adverse vaccine reactions (NOPs) were reported in 235 people. Moreover, 1,834 doses of vaccine were disposed of for various reasons.

Polfa Tarchomin invests

Polfa Tarchomin, a state-owned pharmaceutical manufacturer, will invest around PLN 40m in a medicines confectioning line, reports the portal According to the portal, the Polish company is currently holding talks with suppliers of the vaccine for COVID-19, in the bottling of which Polfa Tarchomin would participate. However, concretes are still far away. The findings of indicate that this may concern a preparation that is yet to be launched on the market.

The new production department of Polfa Tarchomin – ampoule plant – is to be ready in the autumn and its production capacity is to amount to 16,000 ampoules per day (according to PAP information).

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